Anxiety Therapy in Westchester County, NY

You’re great at:

  • thinking about why you “shouldn't” be feeling the way you are

  • coming up with all the reasons why what you’re worried about is unlikely

  • identifying the positive thoughts you’d rather be feeling

You struggle with:

  • continuing to feel anxious

  • physical symptoms of anxiety

  • connecting your thinking brain with your feeling body

  • frustration over feeling anxious

Sound familiar? I got you.

What’s different about my approach to anxiety therapy?

I work from a trauma-informed approach, meaning I look at how past experiences may be impacting our current symptoms. This is different than other therapeutic approaches to anxiety treatment, as it helps us really get to the root of where anxiety comes from in the first place. I also believe that the body holds so many of our emotions and experiences. During therapy sessions, you can expect us to tune into your felt sense and begin to regulate your nervous system in order to quiet your thoughts.

Together, we will work to:

  • understand the function of anxiety in your life

  • reconnect your mind and body

  • find grounding tools and hands-on techniques that actually work

  • celebrate your wins!