EMDR Therapy in Westchester County, NY

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, is a form of therapy that uses bilateral (left-right) stimulation to help our brain and nervous system reprocess our negative experiences that feed into our current symptoms.

Usually, our system is able to store experiences as memories we can look back on. However, when we experience something that overwhelms our system, it becomes stuck with the original thoughts, beliefs, feelings, or physical sensations experienced at the time.

What this means is our system continues to relive the experience as if it is still happening.

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Let’s get to the root

We can think of the original traumatic or overwhelming experience as the root. Over time, similar experiences compound on the root, forming the trunk and branches. The present symptoms we find ourselves living with (like anxiety, not feeling good enough, never feeling safe, physical sensations, etc.) are the leaves. We can pick at the leaves as much as we want but symptoms won’t go away unless we rip out the roots.

EMDR gets to the root of our symptoms, leading to long-lasting healing and change.

emdr therapy westchester county ny, trauma therapist westchester county ny

What Can I Expect From EMDR?

  • Improved connection to self and others

  • Increased sense of safety in the present and future

  • A sense of resolution around past experiences

  • Better sleep and ability to relax

  • Decreased PTSD, anxiety, and/or depression symptoms