A Letter to Overwhelmed Parents

Dear Parent,

If you’re reading this, I imagine you’re having one of those days. You know, the days nothing seems to align and everything feels so much harder than it should. Maybe you’re covered in newborn spit up, having your patience pushed to its limits by a screeching toddler, or dealing with a kid who just doesn’t seem to listen.

You can’t shake the feeling that you’re doing something wrong. You find yourself stuck in comparison traps–whether it be the parent next door or the oh-so perfect parenting account on Instagram. Everyone around you seems to manage so easily–why can’t you be more like them?

 Know that I see you. 

  • I see you trying your hardest to care for your child(ren).

  • I see you doing your best to keep calm when you feel anything but.

  • I see you working to provide the best life you can for your family.

Parenthood is often one of the most rewarding things in life, but it can also be one of the hardest. It can push us to our breaking point and then some at times, and that doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong–it means that you’re human. You don’t have to be perfect and it’s not meant to be easy. Raising small humans is messy, exhausting, and so, so important.

So take this moment to pause and breathe. Allow yourself to let go of some of the pressure you’re holding. Know that right here, right now, you are enough. You are exactly who your child needs in their life.

If you’re feeling alone or overwhelmed by the pressures of parenting, there is support available for you. I would love to have the opportunity to learn more about you and find ways to help you be the parent, and person, you have always wanted to be. 

Keep Rocking It,



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