Is it Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues?

There can be a lot of confusion over whether someone is experiencing postpartum depression or the baby blues, so let’s clarify:

What are the Baby Blues?

The Baby Blues is a term that captures the mood shift that 80% of postpartum people experience between 2 days to 2 weeks after birth. This shift occurs due to hormonal changes that occur postpartum. 

Symptoms of the Baby Blues Include:

  • Tearfulness or increased emotionality

  • Anxiety

  • Irritability

  • Fatigue

With the Baby Blues, you feel happy and good about yourself overall, you just get hit with bursts of emotion. The Baby Blues are a completely normal part of the postpartum experience for most. Baby Blues will go away on their own without any treatment. 

If you are experiencing the Baby Blues, know that this is a temporary adjustment, and that your body will regulate again. During this time, do your best to ask for help, get support from others, and prioritize sleep and recovery.

How is Postpartum Depression Different from Baby Blues?

Postpartum Depression is different in terms of its onset, severity, and duration: 

  • Onset: Often, postpartum depression occurs later postpartum (like 4+ weeks after birth), rather than immediately following birth.

  • Severity: Symptoms and impairment in functioning are more intense than with the Baby Blues. Postpartum Depression impedes ability to function. Symptoms of Postpartum Depression include: low mood, trouble sleeping even if exhausted, thoughts of suicide, exhaustion, changes in appetite, trouble experiencing pleasure, guilt, and low self-confidence.

  • Duration: Whereas the Baby Blues resolves on its own within a few days to a few weeks, without treatment Postpartum Depression persists

What Are Treatments for Postpartum Depression?

There are several treatments for Postpartum Depression, including: therapy, medication, and group therapy. You can learn more about these options in this blog

If you are looking for a therapist for postpartum depression in Larchmont, NY, reach out today for a free 15 minute phone consultation.


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