What to Do When You’re Overthinking

Your thoughts are flooding your mind, and you feel stuck in an endless loop of what ifs. You know it all: all the reasons why you shouldn’t feel the way you do, why the worst case scenario is unlikely to happen, what is actually likely to happen. You’re great at thinking your way through the anxiety, yet you don’t actually feel it. You’re stuck in a battle between mind and body, and your body is winning. So, what can you do if you’re stuck in a cycle of overthinking?

Get Out of Your Head

We tend to think that the best way out of anxiety is to think ourselves through it. This is what we call a top-down approach. We work to calm our thoughts and then the body follows. Yet, the solution is usually bottom-up; regulating our body, which then settles our mind. Without a regulated body, our thoughts often run haywire. 

Ways to Regulate Your Body

  1. Do a Body Scan

    Start by checking in with your body. Take a few seconds to scan your body from head to toe, taking note of any points of tightness, tension, or unusual sensations. Approach this from a place of curiosity, just checking in to see what’s there.

  2. Sit With the Feeling

    Once you notice what is coming up in your body, see if you can sit with it. Ask yourself: Where am I feeling this in my body? If this feeling had a color, what would it be? If it had a shape, what would it be? Is there a weight to it? See if you can sit with this sensation, breathing into the space and noticing what comes up from a place of curious observation. You don’t have to try to do anything with the feeling other than notice it.

  3. Find Movement

    Honor whatever movement your body is needing. If it feels like you need to stretch, do it. If it feels like you need to get up and swing around, go for it. As a society, we have become increasingly disconnected from our bodies. Part of healing is reconnecting your mind and body.

  4. Get Outside

    Spending time in nature is grounding for many, and has significant benefits for mental health. If you feel stuck, take a few minutes to sit outside or go for a walk. Notice how it feels as you disconnect from your typical environment, and how your body responds.

  5. Practice Grounding Techniques

    Sometimes, breathing exercises can come in handy. Other times, trying to sit still and take a deep breath can make us feel worse. Having several grounding techniques accessible to you can help you to choose what can be helpful at different moments. Take note of different exercises that feel helpful to you, and try them out at different moments. The grounding practices you try don’t need to work every single time. Rather, you can have a tool kit of several practices that you can try.

The way through overthinking often comes from our body, rather than our mind. The next time you find yourself stuck in a cycle of thoughts, try some of these techniques and see how it feels for you. If you’re struggling to come up with grounding techniques or would like some more support, reach out for a free 15 minute phone consultation to get started.


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